Personal Jealousy

You want some of my time? You. You think that you deserve some of the time that is mine always,that I can give to you if I feel you are worthy, you want to consume me? May I warn thee: To consume me before I am ready to know you results in a most bitter…


SpontaneityA novel naivetythat pleasantry Wit, derived from choice happen-stance. Through coordinated motion, entrance. This skill for the inny is rather foreign.  It is to easy to spend the rest of the time thinking about it or weighing the options and waning down to minimal random. Through these motions a enrapture is formed.  Trust is bonded…

Have I told you lately

that I’ve been doing better? I am doing better.  Two jobs, those are the ones that pay me every two weeks like clockwork.  It’s kinda of nice.  The other job is for the boss that I live with now.  He’s been one of the coolest people in my life, doing things that I would’ve never…


The sunlight billows into the airs Stirring thought throughout, The buzz I feel as waves that Prickle and tickle the hairs. Intelligence as its own energy Moves through the warming bodies Degrees bringing together Acute understanding synergy. The populous courts with empty Judgment for none can perceive The true motivation or Have divine coordination pity….