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MySQL into Elasticsearch via Logstash bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jdbc That’s the command you’re probably looking for. Then there’s the example and details at: The install for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana in the 5.x release is wonderful. Getting Nginx working is normal, the /kibana/ attempt failed, might have another try at it later. Further, to search,…

Modern Seamod Conky Config

After upgrading to Xubuntu 16.04 (a slightly better flavor of Ubuntu I think), I noticed that my Conky was looking odd. After some research, I found out that they have changed their parameters for some of the settings. Here is a modern config for Seamod which many have come to love over the years. Of…

Bash with Rsync into the future

To sync all of the mp3 files from a path (pwd) to another location, you can run this first to test to see what would copy: find -ctime -60 -name “*.mp3″ -print0 | rsync -aucvn –files-from=- –from0 ./ /path/to/destination/ Then remove the “n” from the rsync flags to copy, archive style, all files with update…