Belief vs Fact

When you believe in something you want to put it in a place in your heart to safe guard it.  Sometimes you might say that you don’t even need to safe guard it… but really, you believe this right, it is something that you would put above most other things and in that way, you…

Visionairy vision is scary

Art is a purpose extended to the participant asking them to enroll their mind into a brief view of understanding.  The works of Gustav Klimt have always really resonated with me, usually it is The Kiss that I find facinating.  Kisses to me are incredibly strong or can be and he shows the power of…

Lust in Love?

For where to find its happiness,it seems to always be running,but never tires in its search. One day you may be in its arms,the next you will be in the streets,of torture and agony in missing. Keep your head up and your eyes forward,you never know what may come down,that path of highest love and…